- Arrive at The Coro between 7pm and 7.10pm at the latest (audience cannot get in before 7.15pm)
- Swing Band shirt (or black shirt); black jeans/skirt; own choice footwear
- Instrument cases in the ant-room (just off the foyer)
- Set up pad/stand etc on stage
7.30pm-ish UVHS Swing Band set
1 hour set
- Audience will get food before we finish
- Once we have finished the set we must quickly take our instruments and pads off stage and back into the ante-room
- Once instruments are packed away YOU MAY EAT!!!!!!!!
- Enjoy the rest of the evening!!!
- 11.00/11.15pm finish
- SATURDAY – ‘Music in the Forces’ careers presentation @12.30pm in The Coro. Try to attend!