Well … another year comes to an end. I would just like to say the following:
- Swing Band – what can I say? An AMAZING band that went to Paris. I am SO proud of each and every student – most probably the finest large music group I have ever had the privilege of working with in my career. Stunning concerts in Paris as well as the easiest tour that myself, Mrs B. and Mrs H. have ever taken thanks to the maturity, professionalism and dedication of everyone involved (I’m welling up writing this).
- Summer Concert – another brilliant event with great performances from every group and many highlights for the audience to remember for years to come. Well-deserved winners of the Alford Cup in Maciej, Jack and Eloise, great solos from Maciej, Heather and David and a stonking set from the Wind Band!
- Year 13 (and Year 11 who are leaving) – again, what can I say?? Myself and Ann were very upset at the concert (and after playing with Swingers at the sponsored walk) to say goodbye to the students, and I certainly didn’t do them justice with what I said as I was feeling rather emotional. They have been absolutely brilliant throughout their time at UVHS – brilliant ambassadors for the school and amazingly committed and dedicated young adults. All in all, true role models for both the younger UVHS students as well as our primary tuition pupils. Words cannot express my thanks to them and the debt that both myself and the school owe them. I am very proud to have been able to work with them and also that I can now class them as friends, not students.
P.S. roll on next year and the challenges it will bring in terms of the repertoire I am choosing for the Wind and Swing Bands. Also … I still have quite a few EHIC cards from Swing Band members tat they forgot to pick up on Tuesday – they are in my office ready to collect.
HAPPY HOLIDAYS, and good luck to the Year 13s and 11s.