Monthly Archives: June 2016

Summer Concert

We have changed the programme for the Summer Concert – it will now include Junior Band, Swing Band, Wind Band, String Orchestra and Choir in order to give a proper and fitting farewell to all the Year 13s leaving us this year.

Please publicize the concert on the 7th July as widely as possible to secure the biggest audience we can (the Summer concert always attracts a smaller audience than the others through the year, despite it showcasing the groups at their very best!).

Feel free to post it on social media!!!!!!!

Summer 2016

Austria Tour

REMINDER – the first rehearsal for the Tour Band is tomorrow from 3.30-5pm – full attendance is expected from all students going on the tour.

Also – the itinerary has just been changed due to issues at Zell-am-See. The concerts are now:

Sat:  St Martin @ 19:00 hrs

Sun:  St Gilgen @ 11:00 hrs

Mon:  Bad Reichenhall @ 19:30 hrs

Tues: Zell am See @ 14:00 hrs

Swing Band

Thank you to all the Swing Band for today’s performance at Grange (in trying conditions!). You all played (and sang) brilliantly giving a great end to the year – only sorry that we couldn’t make it a full ‘send-off’ for the Year 13s – also sorry that I missed Jodie off the ‘farewell’ list, so…..

Thank you to Ben, Ella, Dan, Catriona, John, Emily and Jodie for all their efforts this year.

Swing Band at Grange tomorrow

A reminder that Swing Band are playing at Grange tomorrow from 2-4pm. If it is raining (as the forecast is currently indicating) the concert will move indoors to the Victoria Hall instead, so I still need everyone to attend – especially as this will be the final performance for the band this year!  Please spread the word so that we can get as good an audience as possible (free).

A huge thank you the students in the band for the amazing work they have done this year – their commitment and dedication has yet again resulted in the band playing at a phenomenal level for a school group and I am very proud to be associated with every one of them!   Especially – thank you (and goodbye) to the Year 13s in the band – Ben, Dan, Ella, John, Catriona and Emily – although we will say farewell officially at the Summer Concert.

Also – a huge thank you to the parents for their support and ‘taxi’ skills getting their children to all the gigs.

See you all tomorrow!

Coffee Morning

A HUGE thank you to everyone who made cakes and donated raffle/tombola items for the coffee morning on Saturday – especially to those parents and students who spent the morning at The Coro as well.  We made £400 which is a great result, especially considering the pie fight in Ford Park was on at the same time.

REMINDER – tour meeting on Thursday at 6.30pm. Every student must be represented by an accountable adult.

Old Friends/Swing Band rehearsal

Tomorrow’s after-school rehearsal is ONLY for the reduced band playing at The Old Friends on Saturday.  Make sure you are there:

Sax:  Bella, Catriona, Louisa, Ben, Tabi & Dan

Brass:  David, Abi, Anna, Emma, Jack

Rhythm:  Adam, Emily, Ella, Florrie

This is because I cannot be at the performance so we will have to make sure that it can run in all aspects (including sound system) without me

COFFEE MORNING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Don’t forget  –  we needs loads of raffle & tombola items for Saturday’s coffee morning at The Coro (to my office tomorrow or The Coro by 9.15am at the latest).

We also need CAKES on Saturday morning!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Help would be very welcome

Combo @ The Old Friends

A reminder that the Jazz Combo is playing at the Old Friends this Saturday from 8pm-10pm.  The bigger the crowd the better!  The line-up is:

Sax – Bella, John, Louisa, Ben, Tabi, Dan

Brass – David, Abbie, Anna, Emma, Jack

Rhythm – Adam, Emily, Ella

Vox – Florrie

If any of you cannot make it please let me know asap.

Summer Letter & Concert Poster

Summer 2016

Attached is the letter that is going out to ALL groups this week as well as the poster for the Summer Concert.  Please publicize the concert on the 7th July as widely as possible to secure the biggest audience we can (the Summer concert always attracts a smaller audience than the others through the year, despite it showcasing the groups at their very best!).

Can I also remind you that we need as many items for the coffee morning on Saturday as possible  –  cakes, tombola & raffle.

Summer letter 2016

Swing Band Concert – tonight

A reminder that tonight#s swing band concert at the Coro is from 6pm-6.45pm  –  students need to be at the Coro for 5.30pm in full uniform.  We are supporting Julia Biel (who is amazing) and all players can stay to watch her for free.