Monthly Archives: December 2021

Mince Pies & Raffle Prizes

Many thanks to those families who had already sent in mince pies and/or raffle prizes for the Christmas Festival. If you would like to reclaim them please send your child to my office – any mince pies not reclaimed will be donated to a local care home (as we usually do with spares after the Festival) and any raffle prizes not reclaimed will be used at our next concert.

Christmas Festival – cancelled

It is with great regret that I have to inform you that we have had to make the very hard decision to cancel next Tuesday’s Christmas Festival at The Coro.  I realise you will be disappointed – we are all gutted!  However, we will try to film each of the groups that were going to have performed next Tuesday and then produce a virtual concert, the link for which I will send you once it has been put on Youtube.

As soon as I have drawn up a filming schedule I will post it here, but WIND BAND will definitely be recorded on Monday after school (in their usual rehearsal slot). Please could ALL players bring their pink band shirts (and spares if they have them) to change in to after school as well as tinsel/Christmas hats/antlers etc. to make the filming as festive as possible. Please could ALL players do their best to attend?

HELP!!!! – shirts needed

We are in desperate need of Wind Band shirts – if anyone out there has got any spare pink band shirts that they are willing to either give or lend (please stipulate if it is the latter so that I can arrange for its return after Christmas) please, please, please could you sent it/them in as soon as possible.

As we have not yet been able to make a decision on when the next tour will be, let alone where, we have not been able to release any new shirts to sell, and about half the band is new this year!!!
