Monthly Archives: July 2017

News from the Rhine Valley

Well …  we’re here and have got the first concert under our belts:  a brilliant performance in front of a large and VERY enthusiastic audience in Bad Munster.  I’m sorry, but we cannot give regular ‘diary’ updates as we have done in recent years as we are out from 8.30am-11pm today and tomorrow (as we were yesterday as well, but you can see the odd video that Mr Evason has managed to download using the link below.


Through Twitter you can Follow us here to keep up with how the Tour is progressing!

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Fantastic concert on Tuesday from all involved – had amazing comments about every group!!!! Some photos are here (courtesy of Miss Lomas and Dan Miller) if anyone wants them:

A reminder that the last tour band rehearsal is tomorrow until 5.30 (including packing all the gear).

Don’t forget passports and towels!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!



Really sorry – the Blog has been down for a week, hence no messages about tonight’s concert.

Reminder: Students in either school uniform (minus jumper) or Wind Band uniform and at The Coro by 7.10pm.

All instruments to be stored in the dressing rooms, but then seated in the reserved section in the hall – if they are performing in the first half (Junior Band, Clarinet Choir, Brass Ensemble, Percussion Ensemble & Choir) they will need to have their instrument with them.

FINALLY – we are in need of some raffle prizes!!!!!!!!!!!! If you are able to give a good quality raffle prize please bring it tonight. Doors open at 6.45pm, but those volunteering to be on the door, sell proagrammes and sell the raffle need to be there by 6.40pm.

Thank you

Swing Band

Great performances yesterday from both the Swing Band at the Carnival and the Little Big Band in Bardsea – great way to finish the year.  Huge thanks to all the Year 13s for whom it was their last performance with those groups.

One request – I am unloading the the van at 11.30am at school this morning and am on my own (or rather, I have Perdi with me and Oscar with his broken wrist – so useless really). If any student is both willing AND able it would be lovely to see you!!!!