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Monthly Archives: February 2015
Coffee Morning
Many thanks to all of you who made cakes and/or donated raffle & tombola items for the coffee morning on Saturday. An especially big thank you to those of you who volunteered to help throughout the morning. We made just over £400 which is a great return considering that Saturdays are quieter than Thursdays for the Coro Hall mornings.
Please check the calendar for up-coming events.
Coffee Morning!
A reminder that we need cakes, raffle & tombola prizes and items for a bric-a-brac stall – either to my office tomorrow or at the Coro by 9am.
There will be live music from several groups and any students coming to help must be in Wind Band uniform or school uniform.
Most importantly, we need customers!!! Please try to persuade friends, colleague relatives to come along – £1 entry to get coffee and a biscuit.