Monthly Archives: May 2022

Well Done! (& thank you) – Chamber Concert

A huge ‘WELL DONE!’ to all the students who performed in yesterday evening’s Chamber Concert. It was so fantastic to see a return to public performances following the last 28 months. It was a great opportunity to start getting back into performing and you all did the school proud.

Also … a huge ‘THANK YOU’ to all the family & friends who came to support the concert – it was brilliant to have an audience again, and such an appreciative one at that! We look forward to seeing you all again soon.

Chamber Concert – info for performers

The concert is THIS Friday!!

Concert dress is:

Instrumental ensembles: Wind Band shirts (available to borrow from me); black trousers/skirts; black shoes & socks

Choir: School uniform without jumpers unless they are in an ensemble (sixth form – same as instrumental ensembles)

  • ALL performers, arrive by 6.45pm;
  • Instrument cases in Stoller Suite – quick warm-up;
  • All performers will watch & support the other groups, so will need instruments & music with them in the hall when they are audience;
  • Students will simply come out to the stage space when their group is performing.

The concert should not last more than an hour – entry is free, so please encourage as many people to come and support us as possible.

Summer Concert

Please share this poster amongst family, friends & colleagues – it would be fantastic to get a big audience on our return to The Coro (and the first public concert for the Junior and Wind Bands since December 2019). And don’t forget the CHAMBER CONCERT, this Friday at 7pm ni the school hall!!!