This letter was given out at Wind Band rehearsal today. Please read.
Arrangements for Sat 27th April.
- ‘Music in the Forces’ careers presentation @12.30pm in The Coro. Try to attend!
For the concert:
- Arrive at The Coro between 6.40pm and 7.05pm at the latest (audience cannot get in before 6.40pm). Full band uniform – pink shirt/black trousers/skirt/black shoes & socks.
- Instrument cases in the ant-room (just off the foyer). You are NOT allowed downstairs into the dressing rooms, we can only use the ante-room!
- Set up pad/stand etc on stage
Provisional timings for the concert
7.30pm UVHS Wind Band set
35 minute set
8.05pm Interval
8.30pm Royal Marines set
9.05pm Massed Band finale (players know who they are
9.45pm Finish
- Once we have finished the set we must quickly take our instruments and pads off stage and back into the ante-room. Massed Band players must keep hold of their instruments, everyone else pack them away and leave in the ante-room.
- For the second part of the concert we are standing in the aisles (quietly) to watch – massed band players keep instruments with them. Also, watch out for the drummers marching in and out, you will need to stand by the walls to let them march past or they will kick you!!!!
- After 2nd part, massed band players quickly get sorted on stage. Remainder stay in the aisles to watch quietly.